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The Spells of Magic: Easy Beginner Spells

January 2023 | Steve Travels

Magic is a powerful tool that can be used to manifest your desires and bring positive change into your life. Spell casting and magic is a way to to harness the power of energy and intention to bring about positive change in my life and the lives of others.
Spells can be used for a wide range of purposes, such as love, protection, prosperity, and healing. Spell casting is not just reciting words but it's also tapping into your own energy and focus, meditation, visualization and focus in order to make the spell work.

Whether you're a complete beginner or have some experience with spells, these easy beginner spells are a great place to start.

  1. Spell to Attract Love

9 Love Spells That Work Overnight… because The Heart Is Impatient | The  Sacramento Bee

This spell is designed to help you attract love into your life. It's simple, easy to cast, and can be done at any time.

      Gather a pink candle, a rose petal, and a piece of paper.
      • On the piece of paper, write the words "I open my heart to love" in your best handwriting.
      • Place the rose petal in front of the candle and light the candle.
      • Hold the piece of paper in your hands and focus on your intention to attract love.
      • As you gaze at the flame of the candle, recite the words written on the paper three times.
      • Blow out the candle and fold the paper. Keep it in a safe place.
      • Repeat this spell for seven consecutive days.


      1. Spell to Bring Good Luck

      Green Candle Meanings and Magical Uses | The Pagan Grimoire

      This spell is designed to bring good luck into your life. It's perfect for times when you need a little extra boost of positive energy.

      • Gather a green candle, a clover, and a piece of paper.
      • On the piece of paper, write the words "Good luck come my way" in your best handwriting.
      • Place the clover in front of the candle and light the candle.
      • Hold the piece of paper in your hands and focus on your intention to bring good luck.
      • As you gaze at the flame of the candle, recite the words written on the paper three times.
      • Blow out the candle and fold the paper. Keep it in a safe place.
      • Repeat this spell for seven consecutive days.


      1. Spell to Remove Negative Energy

      Is Burning Sage (Smudging) a Biblical Practice or Witchcraft?

      This spell is designed to remove negative energy from your life and to promote a sense of peace and well-being.

      • Gather a white candle, a piece of sage, and a piece of paper.
      • On the piece of paper, write the words "Negative energy be gone" in your best handwriting.
      • Light the piece of sage and use it to cleanse yourself, your home, or any other place where you feel negative energy is present.
      • Light the white candle and place it on a safe surface.
      • Hold the piece of paper in your hands and focus on your intention to remove negative energy.
      • As you gaze at the flame of the candle, recite the words written on the paper three times.
      • Blow out the candle and fold the paper. Keep it in a safe place.
      • Repeat this spell for seven consecutive days.


      I hope this article helps you understand more about the basics of spellcasting and gives you some ideas for easy beginner spells to try.  Having a library of spells serves as a resource for when you need to cast a spell for a specific purpose and allows you a variety of spells to choose from. By studying different spells and experimenting with different techniques, you can learn more about what works for you and what doesn't. Remember, the most important part of any spell is your intention, so focus on your desired outcome and have faith in yourself.

      See more Below;

      book of spells